Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stressed & Feeling Fat

We women go through a lot each and every month, at least emotionally we do. I have so much on my plate right now and the onset of PMS is kicking my butt! I seriously feel like I don't have any control of my emotions. It is really nerve wrecking. At this point in my life (August) I am already working at emotional overload. Both my mother and my brother died in this month, I chose to pursue a wrongful death suit for my brother, money is basically non-existent, school is starting for my kid(school clothes out of thin air?), we have to move AGAIN, and my album isn't ready for the record company so I'm not making any money off of my music. Are you feeling me here?
I don't want sympathy, I want support. I don't want hand-outs, I want a helping hand. Yet, I can't get my mind, heart, hormones, and emotions to all agree long enough for any of these things to happen. I see why women are accused of being crazy, I feel crazy! Yes, more than usual. I hate not being in control, although it (PMS) is inspiring me to write an article about natural combatants. I think that since I started my freelance career I have found away to turn every thing into a story idea. It is ironically therapeutic.
There are so many reasons to stay in bed when I'm feeling like this, so many reasons to drown in self-pity. However, I am a rational person and I realize that none of that will help me once I return to normal. Based on the weight on my shoulders and my lack of help, I am not about to do anything that is gonna make things worse for me. Through the haze of emotions I decide to just tough it out. But hey, that's just me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everyone needs help sometimes, be it monetary or emotional or both. Do not turn down any form of assistance. I could tell you some stories of my recent past. Pray and don't be afraid to think outside of the box. Remember thoughts are things... so try to think positive or you will help bring about the negativity you brood over. I'll email you directly about specifics though. Luv u Cuz!