Monday, January 14, 2013

Django Unchained is AWESOME!

As the movie started my thoughts were all on Jamie Foxx. As a HUGE fan of his movies, music, tv show and comedy I am always ready for his latest endeavor. But that doesn't cloud my judgement overall. There are a couple of movies that Jamie Foxx starred in, that shall remain nameless, that I thought left alot to be desired. Django Unchained is not one of those movies. In typical Quentin Tarantino style this movie is brillant, from the directional style to the acting. Although there are some really strong scenes that racially almost moved me to tears, there is also a humor to the situations. The story moves fast but holds you until the very last scene. Each of the characters inspire emotion, so vivid and engaging as you journey to the Candyland Plantation in search of Django's wife Broomhilda.
The all-star cast includes Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Leonardo Dicaprio, Samuel L Jackson, and Christopher Waltz. There are additionally special appearances by the director himself, Quentin Tarantino and Don Johnson.
As usual Tarantino provides lots of action packed violence complete with gory blood scenes. Yet with the backdrop of passionate human emotions like love, hate, friendship, and the will to survive this movie ultimately rocks.
As with most Tarantino movies, Django Unchained isn't everyone's cup of tea. I think it's brillant and entertaining. But hey, that's just me.

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