Friday, January 11, 2013

Everything Has Changed

Love is great. You fall in love and everything and every time you are around the person you feel, for a lack of a better word, high. He makes me happy, then sad, then paranoid, and ultimately angry. Don't judge, cuz you have not heard the comeplete thought. I get angry at myself. To let someone be the trigger for so much emotion is dangerous at the VERY LEAST. To love someone completely in my experience is reckless. Still I think "Why do I have to be so cautious with my heart?" I don't want to be. I love who I love because I feel and have evidence that he loves me back. Although its crazy that I need evidence that is where I am in life. I've learned a few things in my life. And that I am more than sure of, my boys = love, my father = love, my sisters = love, my brother = love, my aunts & uncle = love; after that I have a select few who are without saying and that few starts with my god kids. Unfortunately for the rest I am only being honest when I say I don't know. "There are not many things in life you can be sure of" ~ Everything Must Change - Oleta Adams I am all for change, loving him this way has been a change. Still, some things would be better, if they stayed the same. But hey, that's just me.

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