Wednesday, November 26, 2008


It's a gradual process, changing your life and thus changing your way of thinking. I have found more often than not that thinking something to death is what usually prevents the change from occurring. This is also the case with trying to break a bad habit, at least for me it is. Take for instance smoking; the more I smoked the worst my body felt. When I sat and thought about quitting it seemed impossible, in fact I would instantly want to smoke. But when I just stopped and I didn't let myself ponder or mull over my decision, the habit was broken. That’s when I said to myself that I can truly do anything. Overcoming an addiction is extremely liberating and most of all it's a step towards becoming a better person.
I believe that my mind has limitless capabilities. All I have to do is want something bad enough to work really hard at it and VIOLA! I've got it. As soon as I say I can't or I don't know how, I have limited my mind and there in lies my defeat. Becoming aware of my shortcomings does not mean that I have to stay that way. It's like knowing you’re not a fast runner. All you have to do is practice by running everyday and eventually you will become a fast runner. The key is to set realistic goals. Start off with small tasks and as you accomplish those, move on to the bigger ones.
In my life I have seen all types of personalities rise above the worst situations. I have also seen people literally stand in there own way. True, those around us can hinder us and cause us to lose focus enough that we get on the wrong track. Yet in still, we are the only ones who truly control our lives. If you know someone is bad for you get them out of your life. Now believe me I know all too well how hard this is. The trick is to recognize and realize that someone doesn't have to be apart of every aspect of your life. If you love someone to much too totally eliminate them from your life, keep them at a great distance. Don't look back at your lack of accomplishments or all of the things that you wanted to change about yourself and be able to say; well this person is the reason for my shortcomings. That’s crazy! You can't really love someone if you’re not being good for them, just like they can't really love you if they're holding you back.
I for one, refuse to never reach my full potential or not realize my dreams because of someone else. I've stood in my own way for far too long. Everyday I'm going to try and work on me so that I can be the best woman, mother, sister, person period. I have got so much that I want to do and I have no idea how much time God is giving me to do it. Therefore I am not wasting one precious second. But hey, that's just me.

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